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The building owned by the congregation of Faith Tabernacle House of Prayer (located just on the other end of the block from us) was completely destroyed by fire recently.

Please lift up this church in prayer in such a difficult time. See their church statement and GoFundMe to donate to their rebuilding effort.

This morning 15 men from our church & Lower Providence Presbyterian gathered for a hot breakfast cooked up by our own Art Cobb. Mike Kingsley, a mission partner with both the Coalition to Save Lives & the Norristown Hospitality Center, spoke of his calling to serve the unhoused and needy, including and especially those of our immediate community.

Afterward most of the group took a walk down to an encampment just a few blocks from our own church building and brought hot coffee and donuts. It was a blessed morning of fellowship and awareness of the needs of our community!

The next men's breakfast is at 8am on February 1 at Lower Providence Presbyterian Church (3050 Ridge Pike, Norristown, PA 19403).

At 6pm on December 24th, First Pres will host its annual Christmas Eve candlelight service. This family-friendly service will feature a brief children's time. No prior preparation is necessary; all children will be invited up to participate.

For the second year we will offer electronic candles as an option, so please let an usher know if you prefer an electronic or traditional candle. We will light the CHRIST candle and sing Silent Night in our festival of the lights. Come join us and invite your friends!

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