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Sunday, October 22 at 9:30am in the pastor's office

We will celebrate another baptism of a little one in 10 days but confirming that baptized membership is yet another step in congregational commitment. We are offering a chance for all to know more about what all of this means: outreach, serving (committee, elder, and many other opportunities), confirming a baptized membership, and more.

We are offering the first such chance to talk about all this on 9:30am October 22 in the pastor's office. There will be coffee and snacks available as well. To be clear: attendance is not a commitment in any way, shape or form. This is not even considered a "membership class" but rather just a chance to ask questions and discuss.

For current members this is also a great opportunity. Our church and denomination have changed quite a bit over the years and now that Pastor Martin has been here 8 years, involved in the Presbytery, and last year served on the General Assembly level he welcomes your questions! This will just be the first offering. If you miss it on 10/22 we will certainly meet again in a few months.

It is time to pack shoeboxes to help spread God’s love around the world at Christmas time. Shoe boxes and packing instructions will be available on the table in the DeKalb Street foyer. The cost to send a shoe box is $10. Please pray about how you would like to help.

Options include:

  1. Pack a box and include a check to send it.

  2. Build a shoebox online.

  3. Pack a shoebox.

  4. Write a check or give cash to send a box.

Shoebox collection dates are Nov 12 and 19, 2023. Shoeboxes will be dedicated on Sunday, Nov.19th. See Nancy Plichta with any questions or contact her at

We hope you're already joining us for our Adult Sunday School class on discipleship (meets Sundays at 9:30am in the Chapel).

Looking to learn even more about discipleship?

Discipleship workshop on Zoom

Now - November 16 on Thursdays from 7:30 - 9:00pm

Join the New Generations Disciple Making Movement in this free 7-week, interactive workshop as they explore Biblical principles for becoming a Multiplying Disciple. You will be challenged in your thinking, and you will be given practical tools to start using each week in your own life and relational network. Together, participants will practice listening to what God is telling them, responding in obedience with intentional actions, and sharing their experiences with the group the following week.

Come, expecting God to do more than you can ask or imagine! This is a ministry of New Generations, including our own Cindy Lees. Register now!

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