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Starting September 10, we'll return to our normal schedule, and we invite you to come be a part of it! First Pres offers an adult Sunday School class at 9:30am; the group is discussing discipleship. Our worship service is at 10:30am, and please stay after worship for casual fellowship and delicious treats at coffee hour (in Eastwick Auditorium).


The service will be in the air conditioned Eastwick Auditorium through the end of September. After that, services will be held upstairs in the Sanctuary.

Congratulations to Central Presbyterian Church for their 20 years of Spanish-speaking ministry. We are grateful for their partnership in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ! Many of our most recent church Facebook posts document this incredible weekend of celebration for a church that has met in our facility for the last 12 years.

See the Facebook video of the Saturday banquet service which featured an English presentation and prayer from Pastor Martin and also a Spanish prayer from our Executive Presbyter Ruth Santana-Grace (and also Co-Moderator of the last General Assembly of our denomination, which Pastor Martin also served in as a commissioner). The Sunday Spanish Christian concert is available on Youtube.

Here are a few photos from the weekend. Click on the thumbnails below to view the pictures.

Our Community Vacation Bible School (in partnership with the Norristown Ministerium) wrapped up last week. Some nights VBS met in the Norristown Public Library Community Room; other nights were special movie nights at Living Word Building 1 in the Stony Creek Office Center. Pastor Martin helped out 5 out of the 10 total nights over 2 weeks. Visit our church's Facebook page for more photos.

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