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Summer Worship is at 10am in our air-conditioned Eastwick Auditorium. Coffee Hour will also be held in Eastwick.

This Sunday, June 11 we will have a casual service singing some well-known hymns a capella. After coffee hour and in view of all the great discussions we've had following the last two Holy Land presentations, Pastor Peter will give a short slideshow on the various Christian interpretations on Israel, the Church, and who are the people of God? Similar to the last one, afterward you are invited to stick around and circle the chairs for a casual and respectful conversation. We hope you can join us.

This congregation has been gathering at the heart of the borough for nearly 204 years and establishing our direction to serve and reach a community with needs is greater than ever. We have a pastor and a session of elders but all are needed to care for our congregation and reach out to that community.

On Easter Sunday we baptized 2 little ones into our congregation but confirming that baptized membership is yet another step in congregational commitment. We are offering a chance for all to know more about what all of this means: outreach, serving (committee, elder, and many other opportunities), confirming a baptized membership, and more.

We want to hear from ALL current non-members about the right time to get together. We are a small congregation so flexibility is a benefit. Over lunch after a worship service? A Saturday morning brunch? What works for you? Please talk to Pastor Martin directly (some of you have already talked about this) or reach out to the church office. We want to hear from you!

The annual Norristown 4th of July parade will process on Airy St right past our building at approximately 10:30-11am. As we have done in past years, we will be handing out water to the parade participants. This is an important chance to make a good impression on our community. You are invited!

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